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Getting Unstuck Without Coming Unglued: a Woman’s Guide to Unblocking Creativity

The Rich Writer: Getting Unstuck Without Coming Unglued: a Woman’s Guide to Unblocking Creativity

The Rich Writer

How to Thrive on the Writer's Road

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Getting Unstuck Without Coming Unglued: a Woman’s Guide to Unblocking Creativity

For us creative types, feeling creatively “stuck” is one of the worst sensations in the world—and definitely no way to start off the new year. In previous posts and on Twitter, I talk quite a bit about ways to pull yourself out a rut, generate new story ideas, and inspire creativity. And most of the time, for most people, that’s enough to jump-start your writing and get you moving.

When you’re in a rut too deep to climb out of, though, it might be time to bring in the tow truck—and that’s what Susan O’Doherty does in her book Getting Unstuck Without Coming Unglued.

O’Doherty doesn’t offer a list of writing exercises or “creativity sparkers” in her guide. Instead, she draws on her background as a psychotherapist to explain what’s know about creativity and it’s development. She uses this information to craft a series of writing exercises designed to help the reader figure out the source of her own creative blocks—and how to overcome them. 

I didn’t come to this book as someone who feels creatively blocked, but as someone interested in the art and science of creativity. In fact, I often have the opposite problem: too many projects that I want to pursue simultaneously. Nevertheless, I found that I benefited immensely from the book’s exercises. They might be designed for women who feel stuck in their creative lives, but I believe they can provide anyone—male or female—with insight into their creativity and insight into areas where they might feel stuck.

Wherever you are on your writing journey, Getting Unstuck has something to offer you. And if you *do* feel stuck, in writing or elsewhere in life, it’s a must-read!

:-) Cheryl

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