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More gifts you can write

The Rich Writer: More gifts you can write

The Rich Writer

How to Thrive on the Writer's Road

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More gifts you can write

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         This is a continuation of Monday’s post on gifts writers can create. Lest you think huge projects are the only possibilities, here are some less time-consuming endeavors to round out your gift-giving plans.

  • Coupon book: Yep, you’ve probably heard this idea before, but oldies can still be goodies…and who better to come up with a collection of interesting coupons than a creative writer? Print or handwrite coupons for hugs, brownies, moonlit meanders, proofreading services, dog sitting, kisses—you’re limited only by your imagination!
  • Recipe book
  • Poem
  • Framed poem or quote—show off your calligraphy, or (if you’re handwriting-impaired, like me) explore some of those nifty fonts in your word processor.
  • Fill a jar with things you love about that person…
  • …or fill it with quotes (think of those “Word-A-Day” calendars), thank-you’s, or memories.
  • Personalize a journal
  • Put together a collection of encouragement cards…
  • …or writing prompts.
  • Assemble a personalized “Mad Libs” book, complete with names of family, friends, pets, work, and schools.
  • Assemble the writer’s version of a photo album, with an emphasis on narration rather than scads of photos, stickers, and colored paper…or add those, too, if you’re so inclined.

I’m sure there are more possibilities, but now I’m inspired to go do a little writing of my own. I’m still working on that rewrite, averaging a scene of rewriting and revision a day. Luckily, I don’t need to rewrite every scene, but I’m still not ready to guess when I’ll be finished. Before my next critique group, I hope—I’ve promised to hand it out to a few final readers!

:) Cheryl

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