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The week’s Tweets on how to bypass roadblocks and WRITE THE STORY!

The Rich Writer: The week’s Tweets on how to bypass roadblocks and WRITE THE STORY!

The Rich Writer

How to Thrive on the Writer's Road

Friday, February 26, 2010

The week’s Tweets on how to bypass roadblocks and WRITE THE STORY!

WTS=Write the Story! Why? Because it's fun--rewarding--excruciating--fulfilling--and ultimately cheaper than therapy :) Happy writing!


Gerald Weinberg talk: Myth of Writer's Block

WTS 60: Stuck on voice? Spend the afternoon in the mall food court. Eavesdrop and take notes on conversations and mannerisms.

WTS 61: Think about where you can fill up with story and character ideas, dialog quirks, plot twists, tidbits of truth to spice up ur story.

WTS 62: Feeling stuck? Need inspiration? Take a creativity nap. Find a cozy spot, a pen & paper, and a story question and drift to answers.

Great article on multitasking and how it impacts your writing from Randy Ingermanson:

RT @UpstartCrowLit: Upstart Crow blog: Nudging the Muse - where do you get ideas? bloodthirsty elves & more

RT @CynLeitichSmith Brian Yansky on the sensual (v. intellectual) experience of joining characters in their world & how it helps #writing

Teen quote of the day: "Stop mocking me for a minute." (grin) Really? Must I?

WTS: 63: Sometimes getting stuck on the writing road means you've taken a wrong turn. When you can't push past a block, try a new story!

WTS 64: Can Daydreams-to-order Unlock Your Creativity? I’ve always thought so, and apparently science agrees:

And finally, your inspirational quote for the next time you need a pick-me-up:

Thomas Edison: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

If you’re interested, come join me at @CherylRWrites for Tweets to help you overcome creative blocks and thrive on the writer’s road!

:) Cheryl


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