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Thursday's thing to love about being a writer...

The Rich Writer: Thursday's thing to love about being a writer...

The Rich Writer

How to Thrive on the Writer's Road

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thursday's thing to love about being a writer...

...other writers.

The field of children's writing is filled with support and encouragement from other writers. I subscribe to a number of writing-related listserves, and one of my favorites is the nonfiction children's writers' list:

Recently, one of the members asked how writers balance their day jobs with the projects near to their heart, and responses have flooded in from writers at all stages in their careers. Some write with young children at home; some write early in the morning, before beginning less captivating work-for-hire projects; some work as teachers, and get most of their writing done during the summer; some advocate retirement as the ultimate boost to a writing schedule (although not available to everyone.)

This group impresses me. The members bring a wide range of knowledge and expertise to the discussions. I'm impressed even more by willingness of more experienced writers to advise and answer the questions of those with less experience.

If you write nonfiction for children, you need to visit this list. Whether you need information or support--or just to know that other writers share your struggles--it's a great resource.

:) Cheryl

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